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Day 1 (Sunday, 15th May 2016) : Joint H3Africa/AfSHG Day

8:30 Nature Genetics Training workshop on research leadership 
  Chairs: Mboup Souleymane* (Senegal) and Raj Ramesar*(South Africa) 
8:30 A Perspective on the Context of Genetic Research in H3Africa (Barry Bloom, USA)
9:00 Managing a team and building capacity (Siana Nkya Mtatiro, Tanzania)
9:30 Communicating effectively with decision makers (Clement Adebamowo, Nigeria/USA)
9:50 Ethical leadership in research (Ruth Chadwick, UK)
10:10 Useful high impact publications (Myles Axton*, Editor of Nature Genetics)
10:30 Cofee breack 
  Chairs: Rokhaya Ndiaye (Senegal) / Ambroise Wonkam (AfSHG)
11:00 Welcome address by the President of the LOC (Rokhaya Ndiaye)
11:15 Opening remarks by H3Africa Steering Committee co-Chair (Enock Matovu)
11:30 Opening remarks by AfSHG President (Michèle Ramsay)
11:45 Allocution of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Senegal (SE Prof Mary Teuw Niane)
12:00 Keynote: Charles Rotimi (NIH, USA)
  The African Society of Human Genetics: Looking back to shape the future
Session 2  Panel discussion: Funding sustainable genomic research in Africa 
  Chairs: Charles Rotimi* (NIH, USA) / Audrey Duncanson* (WT, UK )
14:00 Position statement panellists: 
  Serigne Magueye Gueye - UCAD (Senegal), 
  Gavin Churchyard - Aurum Institute (South Africa) 
  Thomas Kariuki - AESA (Kenya)
  Rizwana Mia - MRC SHIP (South Africa)
  Ereck Chakauya - SANBio (South Africa)
Session 3 H3Africa SNP Array: Updates and Opportunities
  Chair: Adebowale Adeyemo (USA)
15:30 Nicola Mulder (South Africa)
15:50 Zané Lombard ( South Africa)
16:10 Cofee breack 
Session 4 Human- non-human system studies Symposium: TB genomics
  Chair: Scott Williams (USA) / Branwen Hennig (UK) 
16:40 Invited Speaker 1: Sebastien Gagneux (Switzerland): Evolution of Mycobacterium tuberculosis 
  Invited Speaker 2: Scott Williams (USA): A TB resistance locus in highly susceptible individuals 
17:30 Special Communication : Bernie Jones (STI4D, UK): Genetics research across Africa – improving outreach and collaboration
18:00 Annual General Meeting of AfSHG
19:00 Reception cocktail


Day 2 (Monday, 16th May 2016)

Session 5   Early bird session Training Workshop
8:00 Next generation sequence data analysis in complex traits: principles and examples 
  Chairs: Fasil Ayele (NIH) / Amadou Gaye (NIH) 
Session 6    Cancer Genetics/Genomics with the Cancer Research Group (GERC), Senegal
  Chairs: DEM Ahmadou (Senegal) / Raj Ramesar (South Africa)
9:00 Guest speaker 1: Clement Adebamowo (Nigeria, US): Cervical cancer and genomics
9:25 Guest speaker 2 : Macoura Gadji (Senegal): Nuclear Remodelling and Genomic Instability in Cancer
9:50 - 10:40 Free  communications
9:50 – 10:00  C01 - Utility of a microarray diagnostic for AML in the South African setting    (Marco Alessandrini, South Africa
10:00 – 10:10 C02 - Aspects moléculaires des patients opérés de cancer colorectal à TOURS,     (Fatou Diallo, Senegal) 
10:10 – 10:20 C03 - Genetics and Pharmacogenetics Aspects of Chronic Myeloid Leukemia in      Morocco (Kassogue, Morocco)
12:00 – 10:30 C04 - L’allèle arginine du codon 72 du gène p53 serait un facteur de risque de cancer du     sein au Sénégal (Yacouba Dia, Senegal) 
13:00 – 10:40 C05 - Place de la cytogénétique et de la biologie moléculaire dans le diagnostic et le     suivi des patients atteints de leucémie myéloïde chronique (Nata Dieng, Senegal)
10:40 Cofee breack
Session 7    Medical Genetic Services
  Chairs: Pr Oumar Faye (Senegal)/ Ambroise Wonkam (South Africa)
11:00 Guest Speaker 1: Guest Speaker 1: Lukusa-Tshilobo (RD Congo): Human and clinical genetics in the DR Congo:    a rapidly evolving story 
11:20 Guest Speaker 2:  Leon Mutesa (Rwanda): Medical genetic services in Rwanda:      achievements, challenges and perspectives  
11:40 Guest speaker 3:  Arame Ndiaye (Senegal): Medical genetic services in Senegal
12:00 - 12:50 Free  communications
12: 00 – 12:10  C06 – Genetic counseling competencies of nurses in Three Nigerian teaching hospitals (Adejumo Prisca Olabisi, Nigeria) 
12: 10 – 12:20  C07 – Caractérisation des anomalies de développement sexuel (ADS) à travers la cytogénétique: à propos de 40 cas rencontrés au Sénégal (Fatimatou Dia, Senegal)
12: 20 – 12:30  C08 – Diversité et évolution génétique des tumeurs malignes du sein chez les femmes Sénégalaises (Fatimata Mbaye, Senegal) 
12: 30 – 12:40  C09 – Genetics of congenital heart disease (CHD) in Morocco: Experience of Medical     Genetics and Cardio-Pediatrics departments of Fez Hassan II University Hospital     (Ihssane El Bouchikhi, Morocco) 
Session 8   Genetics of Infectious Diseases
  Chair: Melanie Newport (UK) / Cheikh Saad Bouh Boye (Senegal)
14:00 Guest speaker 1:  Daouda Ndiaye (Senegal): Malaria genomics
14:25 Guest Speaker 2: Christian Happi (Nigeria): Genomic Surveillance Facilitates Ebola Virus Containment and Elucidates Origin, Transmission and Evolution during the 2014 Outbreak
14:50 Guest Speaker 3:Collet Dandara (South Africa): Pharmacogenomics of antiretroviral
15:15 Guest speaker 4:  Dissou Affolabi (Benin): TB genomic susceptibility in Benin
15:40 - 16:10 Free  communications
15:40 – 15:50 C10 – The Predictive Value of IL-28B Gene Polymorphism in Egyptian HCV      Patients’ Response to Combination Therapy of Pegylated Interferon and Ribavirin     (Samar Kamal Kassim, Egypt) 
15:50 – 16:00 C11 – Temporal dynamics of genome-wide transcription in malarial children in Burkina Faso (Aïssatou Diawara, Emirates)
16:00 – 16:10  C12 – Real-time expression profile of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Thymidylate Kinase     messenger ribo-nucleic acids during in-vitro  growth of a Ugandan strain     (Ivan Mwebaza, Uganda
16:10 Cofee breack
Session 9 Human Genetic Diversity and Health 
  Chairs: Mbacke Sembene (Senegal) / Alice Matimba (Zimbabwe)
16:30 Guest speaker 1:   Adebowale Adeyemo (USA): Human diversity and Precision Medicine  
16:55 Guest Speaker 2: Muntaser Ibrahim (Sudan): The pivotality of the north East African scenery to early human evolution 
17:20 Guest speaker 3: Patrick Curmi (France
17:35 Guest speaker 4: Amadou Gaye (NIH/Senegal) Study of severe hypertension in African American 
18:10 - 16:30 Free  communications (3)
18:00 – 18:10 C13 – Whole Exome Sequence Analysis Identifies Two Novel Loci for High Density     Lipoprotein Cholesterol in African Ancestry Individuals (Amy Bentley, USA
18:10 – 18:20 C14 – Southern African Human Genome Programme: Deep whole genome      sequencing provides insights into the genetic architecture of South Africans     (Ananyo Choudhury, South Africa)
18:20 – 18:30 C15 – Genomic Diversity of African populations and pharmacogenomics in the safe and     efficacious use medicines in Africa (Collen Masimirembwa, Zimbabwe) 


Day 3 (Tuesday, 17th May 2016)

Session 10   Genomic Medicine
  Chairs: Rokhaya Ndiaye (Senegal) / Michèle Ramsay (South Africa)
8:30 Guest Speaker 1: Benoit Arveiler (France): New Generation Sequencing for molecular diagnosis in clinical laboratories: study of a large series of patients with albinism
8:55 Guest Speaker 2: Kenneth Fischbeck (USA)/ Guida Landouré (USA & Mali);  Neurogenetic    diseases study: the case of Mali 
9:30 Guest Speaker 3: Henriette Poaty (Congo Brazzaville): Les gènes MisMatch Repair et le     Syndrome de Lynch 
9:50 Guest Speaker 4: Anatole Laleye (Benin) 
10:10 Cofee breack
10:30 - 11:20 Free  communications
10: 30 – 10:40 C16 – Targeted resequencing of genes involved in neurological conditions in South     African patients with Parkinson’s disease (Soraya Bardien, South Africa) 
10: 40 – 10:50 C17 – Knowledge and experiences of parents with children affected by Sickle Cell     Disease in Cape Town (Katryn van Niekerk, South Africa) 
10: 50 – 11:00 C18 – Hereditary spastic paraplegias: Identification of a novel SPG57 variant affecting     TFG oligomerization and description of HSP subtypes in Sudan     (Yahia Ashraf, Sudan)
11: 00 – 11:10 C19 – Genome-wide analysis identifies an African specific variant in SEMA4D that is     associated with BMI (GuanJie Chen, USA
11: 10 – 11:20 C20 – Genome-wide Association Identifies African-Specific Susceptibility Loci in      African Americans with Inflammatory Bowel Disease (David Tea Okou, USA) 
Session 11 Ethics and genomics
  Chairs: Alioune Dieye (Senegal) and Jantina de Vries (South Africa)
11:20 Guest speaker 1: Guest speaker 1: Aissatou Toure (Senegal)
11:45 Guest speaker 2:  Elonna Obiefuna (Nigeria): Indigenous linguistic and cultural concepts of heritability and comprehension of genomic research in Nigeria 
12:10 - 12:40 Free  communications
12:10 – 12:20  C21 – Rapid Ethical Appraisal (REA) tool to design a contextualized consent process for a     genetic study of podoconiosis in Ethiopia (Tewodros Tariku Gebresilase, Ethiopia). 
12:20 – 12:30  C22 – Types of albinism in southern Africa and genetic investigation of pigment-     related genes (Robyn Kerr, South Africa) 
12:30 – 12:40  C23 – Alleviating the Burden of Beta-Thalassemia in Egypt     (Ghada Yousef El-Kamah, Egypt) 
Session 12  Disorders of Sex Development Symposium
14:00 Chairs: Oumar Faye (Senegal) / Ibrahima Fall (Senegal)

Invited Speaker 1: Alassane Diouf, Gynaecologist

Invited Speaker 2: Haby Signate Sy, Paediatrician

Invited Speaker 3: Oumar Faye, Geneticist    

Invited Speaker 4: Ambroise Wonkam, Geneticist    

Invited Speaker 5: Ibrahima Fall, Surgeon    

Invited Speaker 6: Aida Sylla, Psychologist

  Pr Ibrahima THIOUB, Vice Chancellor, University Cheikh Anta Diop (Senegal) 
  Michèle Ramsay, President of the AfSHG and Chair of the H3Africa Consortium  Steering  Committee 



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