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Congrés Dakar 2016


Honorary chair Professeur Haby SIGNATE SY

Je voudrais tout d’abord souhaiter la bienvenue au Sénégal à tous les participants au 9éme congrès de l’AFSHG 2016.
Au cours des 20 dernières années, des avancées significatives ont été notées dans le domaine de la génétique et ses champs d’intervention se sont considérablement élargis, embrassant au-delà des maladies dites rares, bon nombre de maladies chroniques tels que les cancers et les  maladies multifactorielles. Même dans nos pays, où la pathologie infectieuse et nutritionnelle constitue encore la toile de fond de la pratique médicale, la génétique est devenue incontournable pour tous ceux qui - étudiants et autres apprenants, praticiens, chercheurs-  participent à la prise en charge des patients et à l’enseignement.

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Welcome to Senegal

Dear guests,

On behalf of the Local and International Organizing committees, it is a great honor and pleasure to welcome you to the 9th conference of the African Society of Human Genetics (AfSHG) in Dakar, Senegal. This year’s conference theme is ‘Strengthening human genetics research in Africa’. This choice was dictated by the need to bring Africa up to speed with the development of human genetics outside the continent.
Consolidating and strengthening existing capacities, by improving current technical and human resources, would allow for a better and more efficient handling of genetic diseases that represent a non-negligible public health burden.
We believe that this unique international meeting, the first in a francophone context, will give all individuals involved in genetics and genomics around the world, a great opportunity to exchange, debates and discuss the latest scientific developments in the field. The Scientific committee has prepared a multidisciplinary and attractive program to meet the needs of all participants.

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The Chairman of the Scientific Board

Dear colleagues,

This is the first time in Senegal, a French speaking country, when the African Society of Human Genetics is going to organize it’s Congress, which is the ninth one, from fifteenth to seventeenth of May 2016 (two thousand and sixteen), in a partnership with the H3Africa (Human Heredity and Health in Africa) which is to organize jointly one of its annual meetings.
It is a very great pleasure for the local Scientific Committee to welcome you to this country of ‘’Teranga’’ these two internationally renowned events which will be, besides, an opportunity for young researchers to meet around a forum, on the one hand, and on the other hand, to the members of the Senegalese Group of Study and Research on Cancer (GSRC) to report their works.

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President of the African Society for Human Genetics

A very warm welcome to the 9th Meeting of the African Society of Human Genetics in the city of Dakar in Senegal, the most westerly city in Africa!
The theme of the conference is “Strengthening Human Genetics Research in Africa”, a theme that is central to the mission of the African Society of Human Genetics. In the absence of extensive research on the genetic contribution to diseases in diverse African populations, it would not be possible to offer appropriate genetics services to our people or to offer the hope of a precision medicine approach on the continent.  

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